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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Transparent Case with Silicon Insert for NDSL

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Provide a good protection to your NDS Lite. The transparent case , can keep your NDS lite in good condition when it gives your nds lite a pretty appearance, the silicon insert. can firm the case avoid sliding, and we also provide various color for choosing.


1. Cutouts for all controls on the console.

2. Virtually indestructible armor case,transparence and thin.

3. The soft silicon insert makes NDS lite more colorful and stylish.

4. Only need to place you NDS Lite into the case, simple and convenient.

5. Protect you NDS Lite from being scratched and dirty.

6. It will not add the weight of you NDS Lite obviously. You can play your NDS Lite as comfortable as normal.Have no any inconvenience.

Available color:orange, blue, black, white, red.

Source: http://www.gameyeeeah.com/products/Transparent-Case-with-Silicon-Insert-for-NDSL-p-1474.html

